Goalkeeper Movement
In this particular video we are working on travelling across goal and then going in to a dive whilst travelling in that direction.
So in this practise the goalkeeper knows where that ball is going to go because its a technical practise. Its not a decision making in terms of the goalkeeper going left or right, they know where they have to go.
The decision they have to make then is can they get to the pitch of the ball?
So can they get there before it bounces, as it bounces or do they have to take the gamble of allowing it to bounce because they can’t get to the bounce of the ball.
So in this practise as soon as they have dealt with the 1st ball, firstly their looking to turn and face the next serve, but also they want to try and give them self as much distance between the ball leaving the servers hands and the goal.
So the goalkeeper looks to try and recover back before the ball is released, its all about getting enough distance and more time to react to the ball travelling towards goal.
Assessing the body language of the striker can also give you indications of how and when to react in preparation for the shot.
The more you can identify in your coaching sessions and encourage the awareness of your goalkeepers to read the play unfold the more success they have in saving the shot and selecting the correct techniques.
Thanks for watching our video and reading our blog.
Best wishes with your coaching!!