

Becoming a successful goalkeeper is massively down to decision based actions, these actions are split second reactions as the play unfolds in front of you.

In this blog we look at when to dive at some ones feet to attempt to win or block the ball and when to stand up as we advance and become a bigger barrier to block.

Lets get in to it…

The decision to go with the hands is one that is made during the action, if you have made that decision your confident your going to get your hands to that ball at the very latest just after the striker makes contact.

If you have made that decision to go with the hands you would expect to get there at the same time or just before the striker.

But it can happen that the striker gets their first, so there’s going to be some big impact and coming together. There’s no need to be a huge barrier, what we mean by this is you wont need your head or body up because your getting your hands so close to the ball.

When were using the other blocking techniques its those situations where you have advanced but your not going to get to the ball first.

You’re hoping you get as close to the ball as possible but because you’re not going to get there first you need to be a bigger barrier because you’re a little bit further away from the ball as the striker potentially makes contact.

And they have the scope to put it over and around the goalkeeper, so you need to be a bigger barrier.

Thanks for reading, if you want more info on this topic drop us an email or check out our free content on our Youtube channel PROGKP.

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