


As goalkeeper coaches you will recognise common words like Scoop, Cup, ‘W’, Basket and Pick Up which are all used to describe handling techniques.

But when should they be used?

How should they be used?

Can you identify how to develop your goalkeepers handling?

Is their handling effected by a technical issue with their set position or second set position?

There are so many aspects we can look at to help develop our goalkeepers technically, physically and pyschologically.

In this online video course we break down the hand shapes, how to apply them, the footwork and movements needed to improve your save selection.

The course is spread across 17 x easy to follow video lessons.

And is just £5.99.

Who is the course for?
The course is for goalkeeper coaches and goalkeepers.

What level of coach or goalkeeper does the course cater for?
We have created content which supports all levels of the goalkeeping tree.

It was very important for us to create content grassroots goalkeepers, parents & coaches can benefit hugely from.

And equally important was creating a support network for aspiring goalkeeper coaches and goalkeepers, to give them the tools in which to reach a high level of performance.

Barry Bell – Dartford Ladies GK Coach

“This handling course gives great in-depth, easy to follow bite size explanations of handling techniques. Covering many scenarios and describes common issues when using the various hand shapes and what the goalkeeper can do to avoid them.”

Visit https://progkp.com/courses/handling-the-complete-guide/ for full details on our Handling ‘The Complete Guide’ online video course.

Watch our course preview video below.

Tom Heaton
Aston Villa & England

Delighted that Jim & the team have launched PROGKP. Jim coached me at Cardiff and his experience and coaching techniques are superb.

Thanks for reading and best wishes with your goalkeeping development

Team Progkp

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